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How To Handle False Allegations of Child Abuse

Your Rights If You Are Falsely Accused of Abusing a Child

Child abuse comes in many forms. It can be physical, sexual, or emotional. Being falsely accused of inflicting any kind of harm on a child can be devastating. If you are accused of child abuse, it is strongly recommended that you speak to an attorney as soon as possible. Allegations of abuse can affect your reputation and your custody rights. 

At JP Law Office, we provide experienced representation for individuals in both criminal and family law matters. Our attorneys will help you understand your rights and work to ensure you receive the best possible outcome in your case. JP Law Office founder and managing attorney Jennifer Patton is a former prosecutor with nearly 30 years of legal experience. Contact our office today to schedule a confidential consultation.

What Should I Do If I Am Accused of Child Abuse?

The first thing you should do if you are facing allegations of child abuse is consult with an attorney. Early intervention often proves critical in cases of false accusations. An attorney can begin investigating the case to determine the root cause of the accusations and how to proceed with the case. 

Why are false allegations of child abuse made:

  • Misunderstanding: False child abuse allegations are often the result of a misunderstanding. Bruises obtained at soccer or other sporting events may be mistaken for physical abuse. It is important to document any bruises received at sports or other activities.
  • Medical disorders: Parents who have children with medical disorders may also be prone to false accusations of child abuse. A teacher or neighbor may assume that repeated broken bones are a sign of abuse as opposed to a sign of a medical problem.
  • Misinterpretation: A person may misinterpret what they hear as child abuse or may make assumptions about a situation that are untrue. It is important to remember that most people are simply doing what they think is best to protect the child.

If you are accused of child abuse, it is essential to remain calm. Becoming angry or agitated may only hurt your case. If you did not do what you are accused of doing then you should speak with an attorney immediately. 

Accusations of child abuse are taken seriously by the courts, and for good reason. Many children are hesitant to come forward for fear of not being believed or facing retaliation. Understanding the root of the false accusations is often key to preparing a good defense for your case.

Falsely Accused of Child Abuse? Contact Our Office. 

Were you falsely accused of child abuse in Bloomington, Illinois, or the surrounding communities? Contact our office to book a confidential case evaluation today. Our lawyers are here to help guide you through the legal process. We will work to determine the best course of action, always protecting your rights and your reputation. 

Get the dedicated advocacy you need and deserve when your freedom is on the line. A conviction for child abuse can cost you your career and your family. Do not try to handle it alone. 

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Charged with a crime or facing a family legal complication? Rest assured your defense will be in good hands when you work with JP Law Office. With nearly 30 years of experience, our firm is prepared to fight for your case in court. We give a lot of one-on-one attention to clients and will develop personalized defense strategies for every unique case. For honest and straightforward legal counsel, you can count on JP Law Office. Let’s cut to the chase and get your case resolved today. Contact our firm for a free consultation to get started.

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